Other Events

Anstruther Duck Race

Date: 19th April 2025
Time: 10:30 am
Location: Dreel Burn and Dreel Halls terrace after the race
Other Events

Join us for the annual AIA Duck Race when we launch 1,000 yellae deuks into the Dreel Burn and cheer them on as they race to the finish line!

You will be able to sponsor a duck at shops in town (look out for a duck in the window) for £2 from late March.

Brilliant prizes to be won – you’d have to be quackers to miss it 🙂

Weather permitting, prize giving will be from the terrace at the back of Dreel Halls.

And don’t forget to make an Easter bonnet and enter our bonnet competition (child and adult contest). This year the Easter bonnet competition will take place just before the duck race prizes are given out, on the Dreel Halls terrace.

All funds raised from the race go to the AIA for Anster Community Development Project and the upkeep of the halls.

The AIA supports a thriving and resilient community, helping to improve Anstruther for all