Dreel Shelled Wall Project

Anstruther Improvements Association is leading a community project to improve our heritage built environment. We aim to restore the decorative shelled gable end wall next to Dreel Bridge at 1-5 High Street East, Anstruther.

The gable wall was originally elaborately covered with shells by the slater, Alexander Batchelor, who also decorated the well-known Buckie House just across the road. The building is an important part of Anstruther’s heritage, the wall has been slowly deteriorating over recent years and is currently in a very poor state.

If you would like to get involved in the project please collect undamaged white dogwhelks or buckies of any size, ensuring there are no sea creatures still living inside!  You can drop off shells to our labelled collection bucket on the back terrace at Dreel Halls or contact us to arrange collection.

You can also contact us via our Facebook page for the Dreel Shelled Wall Project.

Look out for our family-friendly Buckie treasure hunts on local beaches – you can find out more on our events page.

We would like all of the community to have the opportunity to take part in our project, please get in touch if you would like further information via julia@anstrutherimprovements.org.

The AIA supports a thriving and resilient community, helping to improve Anstruther for all